It's Easy to Build a Computer Yourself

I will start by saying that, in my own opinion, it is always better to build a computer yourself. Sure, some people will say that they have no idea about how a computer functions on the inside, but the truth is that building one really isn't hard at all. The most complicated part of the process is likely going to be choosing parts to begin with, but even that doesn't have to require a lot of effort if you know someone that can help or you just look up some recommended builds online.

Building your own pc is easy, cheaper than pre-assembled systems, and you will come out of the experience a little bit smarter. Most of the components just need to be slotted in place with a little bit of cable management. Of course, there are also things like applying thermal paste and installing your operating system, but they are fairly easy as well. The best advice that I can give for anyone building their first pc is simple:

Do your due diligence.

Here are some videos on how to build a pc, tailored for beginners.
